综合口语模板 Task2
- Well, the student thinks that the university should ... well, the university is planning to ...
- First of all ...
- Besides ... doesn't like
- In conversation, the man/woman likes the idea ...
- First of all, he/she says that
- You know
- Besides, he/she says that
- I mean
- Therefore, the man/ woman like(doesn't) like the university's (student's) idea.
综合口语模板 Task3
- Well, the reading passage talks about ...
- And it means that ...
- For example
- However
- Instead
- This is because
- As a result
- Therefor, this is a good example that explains.
综合口语模板 Task4
- State the topic
- State the first aspect
- Summarize the example to explain the aspect.
- State the second aspect
- Summarize the example to explain this aspect.
- Well, the prodessor talks about
- First of all
- For example
- And
- In this case
- Besides,
- For example
- Since
- As a result
- Therefore, these are the ...